This lovely, fast growing Heuchera has the reddest leaves ever, a great crown, and it is a vigorous grower. The leaves are cut and somewhat ruffled and reddest in the spring and fall when the temperatures are cooler. The 14″ spikes with white flowers in mid summer complement and contrast with the foliage. ~ TERRA NOVA® Nurseries, Inc.
- USDA Hardiness Zone(s): 4-9
- Size (HT/W/FL HT): 7″ / 14″ / 14″
- Exposure: Part Shade, Full Sun, Full Shade
Photo(s) courtesy of TERRA NOVA® Nurseries, Inc. - Bloom Time(s): August, September
- White Flower Sprays
- Heuchera FOREVER® Collection
- PP#29,644
Available in:
- Deep 72’s
- Royalty: $0.28